Parties and counsel should not regard this website as a complete source for information pertaining to Shelby Grubbs. Based on information provided by parties and counsel, additional disclosures may be necessary to enable an informed decision regarding independence and impartiality. Parties and counsel should therefore provide complete information regarding the identity of parties, witnesses and counsel involved in matters under consideration along with any circumstances or facts which could bear on impartiality and/or independence. Moreover, that information should be updated as matters progress.
In making disclosures, Shelby Grubbs is guided by the rules and procedures of any administering institution along with the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes (American Bar Association 2004) and the Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Arbitration (International Bar Association 2014).
Shelby Grubbs’ professional profile is published on LinkedIn. He is a member of various professional, business and social organizations. He frequently attends conferences and social events pertaining to arbitration, mediation and dispute resolution. Absent additional factors, he does not regard his LinkedIn network, his memberships or activities or connections or acquaintances established through LinkedIn or his memberships and activities as requiring disclosure and does not, in making disclosures, consult LinkedIn or membership or attendance rosters.